
Class Participation Rubric


Student is always prompt and regularly attends classes.
Student is sometimes late and regularly attends class.
Student is often late and regularly attends class.
Student is regularly late and/or has poor attendance of classes.
Level of Engagement in Classes
Student works the entire period and proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student works for the majority of the period and proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student needs reminding to begin working and often cleans up earlier than required. Student needs reminding to stay on task and rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student is off task for the majority of the period and almost never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student never displays disruptive behavior in class and follows school norms.
Student rarely displays disruptive behavior in class and usually follows school norms.
Student occasionally displays disruptive behavior in class and needs to be reminded to follow school norms.
Student almost always displays disruptive behavior in class and regularly challenges school norms. 
Clean Up
Student always cleans their supplies & work area and often assists others in cleaning.
Student usually cleans their supplies and work area but does not attempt to assist anyone     else in cleaning their area.
Student cleans their supplies and work area with a continued reminder.
Student rarely cleans their supplies and work area. 
Student is always prepared for class with assignments and required class materials.
Student is usually prepared for class with assignments and required materials.
Student is rarely prepared for class with assignments and required     materials.
Student is almost never prepared for class with assignments and required materials.


Project Rubric

Advanced - 4
Proficient - 3
Partially Proficient- 2
Minimal Proficiency - 1
Elements & Principles of Design
The artwork shows a mastery of the elements and principles of design; using all elements and principles effectively throughout the work.
The artwork shows significant awareness of the elements and principles of design; using most elements and principles effectively throughout the work.
The artwork shows some awareness of the elements and principles of design; using some elements and principles effectively throughout the work.
The artwork shows little to no awareness of the elements and principles of design; using little to no elements and principles effectively throughout the work.
All aspects of the artwork were considered and patiently completed. It is as finished as the artist could make it.
Most of the artwork was considered and patiently completed.
With a little more effort in finishing techniques, the artwork could be outstanding.
Some of the artwork was considered and completed.  The student showed average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as the student's previous abilities,
a bit careless.
Little to none of the artwork was considered and completed.  The student showed below average craftsmanship, lack of pride in finished artwork. Artwork showed little evidence of effort or total lack of understanding.

The artwork demonstrates above average originality, personal expression & outstanding problem solving skills.
The artwork demonstrates average originality, personal expression & logical problem solving skills.
The artwork demonstrates below average originality, personal expression & problem solving skills.
The artwork demonstrates little or no originality, personal expression & problem solving skills.
Class Participation
Class time was used wisely. Student worked the entire period and proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student worked for the majority of the period and proactively contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student needs reminding to begin working and often stops working earlier than required. Student needs reminding to stay on task and rarely contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
Student is off task for the majority of the period and almost never contributes to class by offering ideas and asking questions.
(Listed Below)
All requirements are met and exceeded.
One requirement was not met completely.
Two requirements were not met completely.
Three or more requirements were not met.

Requirements: (to be determined for each assignment)