Parent Letter

Burlington Township High School

610 Fountain Avenue, Burlington Township, NJ 08016-3314

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

The Graphic Design 2- Adobe Illustrator course is an intermediate course for students interested in computer graphics.  Students will explore computer graphics by using current technology to master the techniques of various computer art programs through visual representation.  Students will learn to problem solve by making decisions based on in class discussions.  Students will also be educated in the history of computer graphics as well as the art terminology. This course will enable students to become more aware of the visual arts and the effects it has on our society.  Students will be able to build a competitive portfolio in computer graphics. Students will learn the proper technical skills necessary for the fulfillment of each unit of study. Exposure to related art history is designed to impact students' critical and creative thinking skills, as well as, develop a greater understanding of the process of each procedure.
            Grades will be based upon projects, tests and quizzes, critiques, notebooks/ sketchbooks, class participation and exams.  While talent and ability are important, project grades will be derived from student progression, determination, self improvement, effort and participation in class projects. 
Classroom rules will be explained in detail throughout the first week of school.  It is imperative that students follow these rules for their own safety, the safety of their classmates, and to help maintain school equipment, computers, and materials.  In addition to understanding classroom rules, all students are expected to maintain a level of respect and professionalism.  The art room is a social atmosphere, and I encourage students to converse about their artwork.  It is important for students to feel a sense of community in their classroom; therefore students are to be reminded that despite the classroom’s relaxed appearance, all school and classroom rules are expected to be upheld.
I am excited and looking forward to a creative semester of learning and art making. If you should have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through email at: or you can contact me at the high school at 609-387-1713. Visit our class blog to see students’ daily lessons and sign up for text messaging alerts. In order to better communicate with parents/guardians, please fill out the attached page and return it to me via email or hard copy as soon as possible.

                                                                                                Mrs. Cream


Student Name:
Parents/Guardians Name: _______________________________________________________________

Relationship to student: _______________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _______________________________________________________________

Cell Phone: _______________________________________________________________

Work Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Please circle your preferred means of communication:
Email                           Phone Call                               

Please share any information that you feel would help your child be successful in class. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________