
Focus: Name this color scheme.

  • Color Theory Review
  • Continue Robot Project (Test grade) 
  • Quiz Friday: Make sure Journals are updated for open notes.

Netflix, Spotify, and Lyft, for example, each have a single bright, dominant brand color that they’ve supplemented with a few grounding neutrals. The effect is striking, effective, and memorable.
Research suggests that consumers tend to prefer color schemes with very similar (or analogous) colors. So another way to go is to riff on your core brand color by adding a few related colors.

According to color psychology, cool colors tend to evoke feelings of trust, loyalty, and stability, while warm colors are more evocative of energy, excitement, and positivity. Obviously, trust and stability are critical for large financial institutions that need to convince consumers that they can be trusted with their life savings.

Add a contrasting accent color creates a little more oomph.

For a bright, modern look these brands have gone with nearly full-spectrum color schemes that feature 4 or 5 equally vibrant hues. This type of color scheme can make your brand feel fun and approachable, which lends itself particularly well to infographics and other visuals.

Closure: Name this color scheme.