
 Focus:  Blob brush tutorial


  • Complete Butterfly tutorial
  • Begin original butterfly/moth drawing
  • Butterfly/moth drawing requirements
    • must be hand drawn (no tracing)
    • must use a combination of the pen, pencil, paintbrush, curvature tools (no shape tools)
    • must choose a color scheme
    • must use gradients
    • Optional (can be symmetrical or asymmetrical)
    • Should have a three dimensional appearance (add shadows/highlights to achieve this effect)

Closure: Paint Brush Setting Tutorial


 Focus: Blob Brush Tips


  • Complete Butterfly tutorial
  • Begin original butterfly/moth drawing
  • Butterfly/moth drawing requirements
    • must be hand drawn (no tracing)
    • must use a combination of the pen, pencil, paintbrush, curvature tools (no shape tools)
    • must choose a color scheme
    • must use gradients
    • Optional (can be symmetrical or asymmetrical)
    • Should have a three dimensional appearance (add shadows/highlights to achieve this effect)

Closure: Pencil Tool Settings


  Focus: Blob Brush Tutorial


  • Complete Butterfly tutorial
  • Begin original butterfly/moth drawing
  • Butterfly/moth drawing requirements
    • must be hand drawn (no tracing)
    • must use a combination of the pen, pencil, paintbrush, curvature tools (no shape tools)
    • must choose a color scheme
    • must use gradients
    • Optional (can be symmetrical or asymmetrical)
    • Should have a three dimensional appearance (add shadows/highlights to acheive this effect)

Closure: Blob brush settings...


Focus: Watch video "Get to Know the Drawing Tools"


Closure: Google butterfly/moth wings for inspiration for our next project.


Focus: Grade Check-In - Please check power school for MP4.  Make a plan to complete any missing assignments. If you did not pass MP3, you have until May 15th to turn in assignments.

  • Continue your original Vector Portrait (Due Friday)
  • Practice drop shadow vs a realistic shadow.
  • Practice shape builder and gradient color.

Closure: Look at your vector portrait.  Choose one area that you could improve. 


  Focus:Drawing a vector portrait.


  • Continue your original Vector Portrait (Due Friday)
  • Practice drop shadow vs a realistic shadow.
  • Practice shape builder and gradient color.
Closure: Drawing a vector portrait.


Focus: Creating a vector portrait: Tips

  • Continue your original Vector Portrait (Due Friday)
  • Review how to create a drop shadow vs a realistic shadow
  • Practice shape builder and gradient color.
Closure: Drawing a vector portrait.


Focus: Follow this tutorial and create your own "infinite logo" using gradient color.  You may choose any color you wish.
  • Continue your original Vector Portrait (Due Friday)
  • Review how to create a drop shadow vs a realistic shadow
  • Practice shape builder and gradient color.


 Focus: Review the smooth tool.

  • Continue your original Vector Portrait (Due Friday)
  • Review and practice smooth tool.
Closure: Use this time to wrap up any small focus/closure activities that you haven't turned in.


Focus: Watch this video.  Find a logo that it made completely of circles (something not mentioned in this video).  Turn in your example to google classroom.


  • Begin your original Vector Portrait (Due Friday)
  • Complete Reindeer (Closure from 4/16)
Closure: Create one of the following numbers with the shape builder tool using circles and rectangles only.  Show me the layout and the final product.  (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20) 


Focus: Shape builder tips...


Closure: Create your own reindeer using the following tutorial.


Focus: Copy the following definition into your journal.

Color Gradient:  Color gradients, or color transitions, are defined as a gradual blending from one color to another. This blending can occur between colors of the same tone (from light blue to navy blue), colors of two different tones (from blue to yellow), or even between more than two colors (from blue to purple to red to orange).


Closure: If you have a color gradient using red and yellow, what other color will be in. your gradient?


 Focus: What key will you use to remove a shape with the shape builder tool?


Closure: Shape builder has similar functions to which tool?


Focus: Review shape builder tool.


Closure: What does the shape builder tool do?


Focus: Review colors & swatches


Closure: Watch this tutorial. Using the shape builder tool, recreate the flower & pot to demonstrate your ability to use the shape builder tool. 


Focus: Check power school.  What is your current grade for MP3?  How many assignments are you missing?  Create a to-do list for time management purposes.  Speak to Mrs. Cream about any discrepancies with you grade.


  • Work on any missing assignments for MP3
  • If you've finished all assignments, work on the black and gold logo for extra credit.
Closure: When is MP3 over?