
Focus: The Art of Logo Design

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Continue working on animal logo project.
Closure: Discuss the Black & Gold Logo Competition


Focus: What are the 4 types of logos?

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Continue working on animal logo project.

Closure: After watching this video, walk around your house and identify 8 logos that you see.  


 Focus: Why do many companies use animal logos for their designs?

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Continue working on animal logo project.
Closure:  Check out these inspiring animal logos.


Focus: Watch this video for Pen Tool Tips.

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Continue working on animal logo project.
Closure:  Watch this video for Pen Tool Tips.


 Focus: Explore the pen tool options.

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Introduce animal logo project.

Closure: Continue to practice the pen tool by following this tutorial. (File available on the google classroom on on this website.)


 Focus: Get inspired - Check out these animal logo designs.

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Introduce animal logo project.

Closure: Get inspired - Check out these animal logo designs.


 Focus: Watch video...

  • Practice the pen tool.
    • Complete the following on a new file:
    • circle
    • heart
    • car
    • airplane
    • paper clip
    • wrench
  • Introduce animal logo project.
Closure: Watch video...


Focus: Watch this tutorial & complete the activity.

  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
  • Continue business logo project. 
    • Be sure your logo contains the following requirements:
    • negative space design
    • appropriate color scheme
    • simple design
    • visual connection to your company/product or service
    • Complete all question on google slides.
    • Be sure to upload your file separately in addition to submitting the google slide .

Closure: Name this color scheme.


Focus: Review this website for tips on logo design.

  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
  • Continue business logo project. 


Focus: Why do you think these supermarkets use green as the dominant color in their logos? (Check out this website if you don't know the answer.)

  • Quiz Today! (period 1/2)
  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
  • Introduce business logo project. 

Closure: Review the color psychology of these logo to help define your company/brand logo.

Quiz 3/15


 Focus: Examine the differences in the two Twitter logos.

Pre-Launch Logo

Current Logo

  • Quiz Today!
  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
  • Introduce business logo project. 

Closure: Explore how the Twitter logo was created.


  Focus: Discuss the key elements of this logo.

  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
  • Introduce business logo project. 

Closure: Can you name these companies?


 Focus: Discuss logo design & copyright infringement.  - "Michael Jordan" by Jacobus "Co" Rentmeester

  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
  • Introduce business logo project. 

Closure: Discuss logo design


 Focus:  What elements of art are being used in these logos?

  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
Closure:  Which image represents negative space design?

Logo Design Using Shapes and Negative Space

Negative Space Logos


 Focus: Copy the definition into your journal.

Logo: A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, symbol, or stylized name used to identify a company, organization, product, or brand. It may take the form of an abstract or figurative design, or it may present as a stylized version of the company's name if it has sufficient brand recognition.

  • Demo the pathfinder tool.
  • Define and discuss negative space design.
  • Experiment creating logos using simple shapes and the pathfinder tool.
Closure: What is negative space?

Closure: Copy the definition into your journal.
Negative space is the space between, within and surrounding an object in an image, often to form another image or symbol. ... Artists often create positive spaces and shapes that, in turn, cleverly carve out shapes in negative space, interlocking just like a jigsaw puzzle.


Focus: Name this color scheme.


  • Color Theory Review
  • Continue Robot Project (Test grade) 
  • Quiz Friday: Make sure Journals are updated for open notes.

Closure: Name this color scheme.


Focus: Name this color scheme.

  • Color Theory Review
  • Continue Robot Project (Test grade) 
  • Quiz Friday: Make sure Journals are updated for open notes.

Netflix, Spotify, and Lyft, for example, each have a single bright, dominant brand color that they’ve supplemented with a few grounding neutrals. The effect is striking, effective, and memorable.
Research suggests that consumers tend to prefer color schemes with very similar (or analogous) colors. So another way to go is to riff on your core brand color by adding a few related colors.

According to color psychology, cool colors tend to evoke feelings of trust, loyalty, and stability, while warm colors are more evocative of energy, excitement, and positivity. Obviously, trust and stability are critical for large financial institutions that need to convince consumers that they can be trusted with their life savings.

Add a contrasting accent color creates a little more oomph.

For a bright, modern look these brands have gone with nearly full-spectrum color schemes that feature 4 or 5 equally vibrant hues. This type of color scheme can make your brand feel fun and approachable, which lends itself particularly well to infographics and other visuals.

Closure: Name this color scheme.


 Focus:  Name this color scheme.

  • Color Theory Review
  • Be sure your practice robot and line exercises are finished.
  • Continue Robot Project (Test grade) 

Closure: By the nature of their placement on the color wheel, cool colors are also considered an _________________ color scheme.


 Focus:  Name this color scheme.

  • Color Theory Review
  • Be sure your practice robot and line exercises are finished.
  • Continue Robot Project (Test grade) 

Closure: By the nature of their placement on the color wheel, warm colors are also considered a _________________ color scheme.

Robot (Shapes Assignment)

Robot Vector Graphics


Focus: Which color has a higher level of intensity?


  • Color Theory Review
  • Be sure your practice robot and line exercises are finished.
  • Begin Robot Project (Test grade)

Value: refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. It indicates the quantity of light reflected. When referring to pigments, dark values with black added are called “shades” of the given hue name. Light values with white pigment added are called “tints” of the hue name.

Closure:  What is this color scheme?


 Focus: Name this color scheme.

  • Color Theory Review
  • Complete line exercise. (Download image robot file from google classroom.)
  • Begin Robot Project (Test grade)

Intensity: (also referred to as saturation or chroma) refers to the degree of purity of a color. A highly intense color is bright and a low-intensity color is more neutral or muted. Adding gray will lower the intensity of your color.

Closure: Fill in the blank.

Adding gray to a color lowers the color intensity, and created a __________ of that color.